Beverage Packaging: Trends and Strategies That Impact the Market

The food and beverage industry is changing with a supersonic speed and the coming era would be the age of new packaging technology and trends that we must understand before time.
Beverage boxes and cans are soon going to be subject to such economic, social and technological movements that we can only have a dim vision of.
We are living in the moment when these changes are occurring and we can have a look at them from afar and realize how the beverage packaging and beverage industry will be in the future, and how to go about this business is a more functional manner.

  1. Feminism and Beverage Business

The feminist movement is not a new of today but news of yesterday, and still it is today that we see its rise and we notice how it will change our tomorrow.
Hint Water, established back in 2005, is a $90 million plus beverage company and the founder of this amazing beverage business is a woman: Kara Goldin.
She launched her business of unsweetened flavored waters and soon became a big success. However, the news is not only a woman running successfully such a big business, but that when she is in a trouble and when she needs to find out a solution, she goes back to other female millionaires and CEOs who are not in the same business, but doing well in other businesses.

Why is this important from the beverage packaging perspective? It is because so far the beverage packaging was more or less based on men’s taste for packaging.
This is the reason why beverage packaging is still confined to unimaginative and unimpressive corrugated material or even Kraft. The color and design choice of the beverage packaging is also subject to how men want it to be, but it will not remain the case for too long.

  1. Beverage Packaging: A Part of Beverage Promotion Plan

For a long time, marketing did not have anything to do with packaging, but then the ‘P’ of packaging turned out to be one of the most important marketing tactics.
Some entrepreneurs even suggest that unboxing experience and packaging are more important than the T.V. commercial or anything else, because a prospect takes a long time looking at the packaging and unboxing it.
Now the packaging is considered a part of a company’s overall Promotion Plan and it has to be done in a very professional and convincing way.

Mockups of the packaging material, beverage boxes and styles, labels and trademarks etc. are now considered the most important part of marketing of a beverage or for that matter, any other product.
Beverage companies should get rid of their old-school practices and learn that packaging is not a necessary evil, but the golden chance to grab more and more customers. It is marketing without spending a dime on marketing, because you spend money over packaging of your beverage.

  1. Probiotics and Beverage Packaging

Probiotics, as we know them, are the live bacteria and yeasts that are considered good for health. The children’s beverage market is increasing with God speed because parents want more healthy and reliable options for their kids.
The probiotics are considered very healthy and these juice companies claim that inside their beverage boxes there is a good amount of probiotics for the kids who need them a lot.
The news is about Ganeden Biotech that makes probiotics, and now they have partnered with CapAble AB to create the juice or beverage straws with probiotics. This straw can be used in shelf-stable beverages as well as refrigerated beverages, and the best thing is the capacity of this straw to provide a controlled and regular dose of probiotics.

You can call this a revolution in beverage packaging industry, but it is happening and the pretty soon the beverage boxes will include controlled probiotics and other effects, which will render the old-school beverage packaging irrelevant.

There is something that we can always be sure of; change is the only constant and stable factor and nothing remains forever.